Saturday, 10 May 2008

Asian Diet Secrets - How to Enjoy Meat and Avoid the Fat

Some people think that Asians don't eat meat on a daily basis. That might be true for the people who live in rural areas of some developing countries. But most Asians who live in the cities, especially in developed countries like Singapore, Japan, South Korea and also here in the US, enjoy meat every day.

The difference between Asian and Western meat dishes is in the method of preparation of the meat.

Asian Method of Cooking Meat

• The meat is sliced into thin pieces. All the visible fat is easily discarded.

• The sliced meat can better absorb the seasoning. As a result, the meat has a strong flavor, saltier or spicier. Because of the strong flavor, it has to be eaten with something bland such as steamed rice.

• Varieties of vegetables are added to give color and contrast and to complement the meat dishes.

Western Method of Cooking Meat

• The meat is served in big, thick slices. A lot of fat (marble) is trapped inside the meat. Because of the thickness, it does not absorb the seasoning well. It has a weak, blander flavor compared to Asian meat dishes. To add more flavor, butter, cheese or meat sauce is added.

• Typically served with potatoes or bread with additional oil and fats.

• Vegetables are served on the side, usually with high-calorie, high-fat dressings.

If you enjoy meat the Asian way, you will find it easy to adhere to the recommendation by the American Heart Association to eat no more than 6 ounces of lean meat in a day (about the size of two decks of cards).

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Linda Yo is a certified weight consultant and the author of Asian Slim Secrets: Enjoy Food, Stay Slim Naturally! Linda gained 25 lbs in 3 months upon her arrival in the US. She failed at every method before she rediscovered the benefit of her traditional diet. Amazed by the results, she spent 18 years to research about the benefit of Asian diet and share the secrets in her new book, Asian Slim Secrets. Her phenomenal weight loss method has received praised from medical professionals, celebrities and the media.

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